Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Murkland live this evening!

Murkland will go live this evening at 6pm British Summer Time.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming Soon: Murkland

Seraphic Worlds has just received a make-over.  I'm not 100% sure that this is the look I'll be sticking with, but it is already looking a bit fresher and a bit more suited to the use I intend to make of it, i.e. a hub for my web fiction projects.

Which brings me to the point of this post - to announce the newest addition to my web fiction portfolio, Murkland, which will be up and available to read later this week.

Murkland is a horror story in the vein of Konami's Silent Hill series of video games.  Set in an ancient Scottish city on the longest night of the year, it will see four strangers have to come together to face their personal demons and the demons of the city's past.  It's update schedule is still to be decided, but it's likely to be updated twice a week with shorter updates than those you might be used to from Shadow.

Look out for more info in the coming days.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Just like startin' over

So, once again I make the attempt to resurrect this blog, although this time I have a more reliable purpose in mind for it and one which I think it will be better suited for.

So, from now on, Seraphic Worlds will serve as a sort of hub and commentary blog for my web fiction series, of which at this precise moment there is but one, but I am working on another at this very moment (well, not literally) and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve for further down the line.  Until any of these other projects surface I will use this blog for any news, commentaries or whatever that relate to Shadow, although I will still post news articles in the Shadow blog itself as well, just so no one is left out.

But what of this new project, I hear you ask?  Well, I can tell you that, just like Shadow, it's not really new.  It's something I was working on a few years ago and put on hold for a few other projects and, as is so often the case, I never got the time to go back to it.  So, it seems I am going back to it now and I'm rediscovering that I actually rather liked it and that it's format might lend itself particularly well to serialised web fiction.  It is very different from Shadow.  Here's a list of comparisons:

Shadow is a fantasy adventure story, [Project Name] is a supernatural horror story.

Shadow is aimed at a wide audience, suitable for almost all ages, [Project Name] is suitable for adults only.

Shadow has no definite end point, being an ongoing, TV series-like tale, [Project Name] was intended to be a Novella - it may get extended some in this format, but it will always have an end point in mind.

And those are just for starters.

So, if you like supernatural horror and particularly if you a fan of the Silent Hill series of video games/films/comics, then you will probably want to keep an eye out for when [Project Name] goes live.

That's all for now folks!