Tuesday, May 16, 2006

When you can't be Rsed to work.

Apologies for the lateness of this blog entry, but Iw as unable to blog last night as I had a visit from the Heckler which turned into a three hour long chat about comics, references, writing, theology, Silent Hill, symbolism, horror, NFC, Ghost in the Shell, his novel, my novel, the Green one's future projects, collaborations, inspirations, aims and his usual spate of borrowings.
This was greatly entertaining and served as a n excuse for me not writing 1000 words of Darksyde, thus ironically, as I discussed my future career as a writer I was also ignoring it as it called away to me from the corner of the room. Shame on me. Still I should be abel to get some more writing done on it soon as I'm beginning to build up a picture in my mind about how I want this section to develop and how to clear away the horrible plotting I had set in motion in favour of a more focused plotline linking toi the central issues of the novel. All thism, without having to delete a single word. It's arguably an excecise both in conservation adn recycling. I am an Eco-novelist.
The earlier portions of the day were spent as follows:
To begin with I got up at an hour I would describe as ungodly and most other humans would describe as all too common, with the aim of having breakfast and cramming in an episode of the X-files before heading to a nearby hotel wheree I was to undertake a training program for work. Four hours of paid cheese, essentially.
This training program began with a film reminding us just how much the compnay i work for actually owsns (assumedly to build a sense of pride, but it actually just sent a chill down my spine) and then we were asked to sum up what words came to mind when you heard our brand name. The other's came up with some very positive images, I however resisted the urge to scream "Coroporate Imperialism!" at the top of my voice. That said, I did actually enjoy the training and took a few useful pointers away which should improve my work and help me to enjoy it more. on another note I was disturbed to discover that there was a conference in the hotel for the University's School of Biological Sciences adn thus most of the lecturers I've had for the past three years, including my academic advisor and my honours supervisor, were sitting in the foyer as I signed myself in and wore a silly badge with my name on it, talking to over-enthusiastic colleagues and trainers. With any luck I shall never meet any of them again...
Once the training was over I ehaded into uni to beegin the arduous task of revision. Revision is one of those R words is it most uncomfortably with. Of the original three, Reading wRiting and aRithmetic, I'm only really uncomfortable with the latter, but ocne you start adding all the other R words that matter, mainly, Research, Revision and possibly even woRk, I Realise that they aRe a hoRRible buRden upon mankind and should be buRnt immediately!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:35 pm BST

    You should neveR destRoy wRitten woRds - woRds have poweR!
