Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Carpark Calliope?

Look. Blogging. On schedule! No visitors tonight then...
Just got back from the nightly trip walking Eruntane back to her flat in drunk student central, taking the usual route which goes through Morrisons' carpark. This is normally a place of strange inspiration. Both Eruntane and I have found it's nocturnal emptiness somehow filled with inspirational thoughts of one kind or another, leading me to believe it may somehow be haunted by the muses (there's a short story waiting to happen). Tonight, however, just as I was entering the carpark from the West North Street (worlds stupidest street name anyone?) side a drunk student type who I had watched stumble his way across the road only a few minutes earlier rushed past me after another guy ahead of me. I was listening to the delightful sound of Utada Hikaru's Keep Tryin' through my headphones, quite loudly in fact, and so did not hear what was going on, but it suddenly became apparent that these two guys were arguing with the altter trying to tell the former to leave and the former trying to knock the latter down. I watched, as my pace quickened, the original drunkard charge clumsily towards the other guy (who seeemed much more sober) and try to ram him into a generic carpark shrubbery. Suffice to say my pace continued to quicken until I was well out of the place. I felt a little guilty, but I doubted there was anything I could do, and they weren't likely to do each other much actual harm as long as the one trying to do all the damage could barely stand. Also, they would never have listened to me.
The day prior to this odd incident was generally a good one. I got up a little late and then procrastinated further by heading into town to take advantage of a DVD store's closing down sale, which resulted in me getting some more Last Exile, Land of the Dead and a few horror novels from somewhere else entirely. I then went into uni and did some more reading aroudn the exciting subjects I have to revise for and came home to sort out my growing library of various media and even (shock I hear you say, shock!) do soem more writing of Darksyde. Okay, so it wasn't the 1000 words I promised done yesterday, but I did write 500 words this evening and that's enough of an effort to give hope to the idea that I'll get the writing unstuck and flowing like it was last winter (1000 words a day, regularly, it was great) which helped it reach the 116,000 words, approx., that I've written of it so far.
I also wrote a little more of the strange SH inspired horror story I mentioned a few posts back. It's barely at 500 words so far, but the style is such that that's actually quite alot of work. To be honest though most of what I did with it tonight was fiddle with the format and play with the title font until it looked right. I can be a sucker for that kind of thing.
LOST was interesting tonight, and it proved my theory: Anyone who appears mad in LOST, is probably right.


  1. A story isnb't just about revelatiosn and answers, it's also about Character and LOST does that fantastically well. What you se as "crappy dialogue", I see as brilliant characterisation. As for not reciving answers, it's the myserty of all that that keeps the show interesting, answers are often dissapointing, but mystery rarely lets you down :)

  2. Anonymous11:35 am BST

    I don't watch LOST :p
