Monday, April 17, 2006

(Tell me why) I don't like Non-days!

Today has been a sort of stressful non-day. Perhaps there's a reason Monday and non-day are only two letters appart in spelling? There was no real reason for it to be stressful mind you. I just experienced a moment of horror last night when I realsied there was some work I needed to do very soon and hadn't started and that feeling rode along on the waves of anxiety into today. It's silly really. I put so little effort into my course work sometimes, at least since this year began anyway. It's like I can see the finish and I know I don't really care too much about crossing that particular line anytime soon, so I just sort of give up.
I was talking about this feeling today with one of my fellow zoology/marine biology students and she compeltely agreed. We have work, and it needs doing because it does count for the final degree, but it just doesn't feel like it should, especially after we had our theses to do last term ratehr than this. It feels like we've had the main act on already and now we're just getting bored of the support bands.
I don't want to make myself sound like a 'special case', but as someone who no longer really intends to anything scientific, least of all zoological, after University finally ends, it all feels a bit pointless. Gathering together the energy to do what needs to be done is just a little harder than it should be. I have so many Journal articles to catch up on reading and a review essay to write as well as revision for our final three exams and this huge part of me in the back of my head is screaming but what's the point!?, and to make matters worse, I know what the point is, but it just doesn't seem to make any difference.
I've had this conversation with just about everyone now, and it doesn't seem to improve the situation any by repeating it. I guess I just have to find the energy somewhere and get on with it, but getting on with it was never a skill I had in great measure...
To continue the theme of direness, Eruntane has got herself (or rather Easyjet have got her) trapped in Edinburgh for the night. Apparently her Bristol-Edinburgh plane was delayed 3 hours due to a technical fault and when she finally got the sandstone capital of bonnie Scotland she had mssed her train. She is now spending the night in a B&B the afformentioned airline may or may not be paying for and getting a train tomorrow at 4am! She's not impressed and I can't say I am either.
In tones less doom hued, (that's a mixed on the spot metaphor if ever there was one, but hey, it's late-ish) I spent a lot of the less stressful portions of today playing Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King, or Dragon Quest VIII as it ought to be known. That game is just so endearing, from the comdedy bad guys (A giant squid called Khalamari is currently playing off against Ultros from FFVI as the most bizarre Cephalopod to appear in a video game) to the engaging and likeable characters and then beyond to the vast, colourful, beauitful world. It's great, I'm hooked. If the Green One goes ahead and returns it like he's suggesting I'll have to purchase it as well as TRL when May comes along. Plus to make it a tend day return I'll have to miss out on a week of playing! I suppose I could just pay him for it next month... hmmm...
Anyway, such was the extent of my day, really. As I said, a sort of non-day, but then, aren't they all...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 am BST

    zoology is an interesting subject.
    When I was young, I always wanted to work at a zoo.... ^_^

