Monday, April 17, 2006

Normal Service Will Be Resumed Shortly...

Not a lot to say about today.
There was church, and an amusing sermon about general ressurection (that's the one for you and me, around judgment day time, note it in your calendars under Some Time Soonish By Eternal Standards) in which a small child was threatened with poisoned milk and death by drowning, but only because he seemed awfully willing to accept it.
There was me singing badly to my friends and acquaintances on Utada-Online (have fun finding the file, cos I'm not linking to it).
There was religious discussion after a fine lunch of roast pork which all got a bit deep and yet effectively moved us nowhere, but did give me somethings to ponder over.
And finally there was the returning of large portions of ym DVD colelction from a regular lendee, known only as The Heckler. He left us as he arrived, burdened with volumes of the X-Files and other television series, but not before enlightening us with his charm and wit (hopefull he'll be reading this, so it's really up to him as to whether that previous statement was sarcasm or not).
Other than that, not very eventful.


  1. Anonymous1:40 am BST

    Heehee... you didn't sing too just mumbled! :p

    Nice blog, neat & very 'writer-like' kind of layout.

  2. Anonymous1:40 am BST

    it's me, Atelier by the way ;)
