Monday, July 10, 2006

More Tales of, well... Everything! (Warning! May include Bees.)

Apologies in advance, Dear Reader, for the unbearable silence I am sure you have been experiencing from what has, sadly, been my forced absence from this blog. If you have been keeping up to date with my situation you will know that I was finishing Uni and moving flat. The present participles there used (that yould be the -ing endings) must now become past participles (-ed) to say they have (and here I misquote an old BBC schools programme) Happened.
Yes, very silly use of the english language aside, I am now officially a Graduate of the University of Aberdeen, complete with a degree certificate to prove it. You may now call me Seraph BSc. Equally as exciting, the move has been completed and I now share a nice flate, comp-elte with whtie walls, laminate flooring and not quite enougyh storage space with the Green One, the Other One having moved on to his year's volunteering at a Scripture Union (A christian organisation) conference centre-type place. IT feels like now is the tinme to use sound effects like 'Oooh' and 'Aaah', but there's also a fair amount of 'Eeep' and even 'Eeeeyaaaaagh!' as I now find myself in the position of seeking Full Time employment and, frankly, not doing a very good job of it. I am existing at the moment on my Part Time wage plus vast quanities of overtime and money given to me by my parents, who also offered substantial amounts of support during the move as they were up in Aberdeen at that time for the graduation ceremony (Pictures may be forthcoming).
I should also be writing, but with the demise of my laptop and the lack of acess to it's hard-drive's contents that's also looking a bit hard. Not being able to RP as we don't have an internet connection yet (the reason for my long blogging absence) combined with much watching offilms and the X-files as well as reading Jeff Vandermeer's excellent Shriek: An Afterword, has left me with a desperate need to write or tell a story, but without any actual story to tell. It's quite frustrating.
Eruntane has left for France, where she will be part of a gospel choir for two weeks. The Doctor has returned to her native Northern Ireland, before helping her family emmigrate to Canada and the Heckler is, like the Green One and I, left behind like a ghost in the muggy heat of the Granite City. It's a very strange situation.
We are planning to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest tonight, however. I have already seen it, having gone with Eruntane on Thursday evening as she had to begin her travels the next day.
I've heard various things sdaid about this film so far, but here's my point of view.
It's not as good as the first, but it still has some fantastic moments and the characters become a lot more interesting as the story progresses. Bill Nighy's Davy Jones is fanatstic and and scary witch woman is also very well characterised and performed. Jack Sparrow is, of course, the same character we all know and love, and although soem re-used jokes fall a bit flat towards the beg9inning of the film and some alter scenes just seem silly, much of the comedy, especially that centred on Jack, still remains. They scene shifts p[erhaps a few too many times, the story sort of meanders between it all, but, in fairness, the adventure is still a good one and even the first film was a little messy in its structure. It didn't stop it from being fantastic and Dead Man's chest, whilst not reaching such lofty heights, is still a fun film to see. The promise of the third film is greater however, and, if they can solve the problems of this film before it's release, it could well be a finish to remember.
I'm going to shut up now, but not before I give you the promised Bees [wasn't it more of a warning? -Pedantic Ed.]. HAving come into Uni to use these PCs and write this account, I found myself sumamrily unable to proceed as my computer account had been closed, but, having spent a full £1.20 in bus fares to get here I decided to visit the nearby park and enjoy the sights of the river Don, using up filmin my disposable camera as I did so. At one point, whilst trying to line up a shot of the river dissapearing into a beautiful bit of woodland I stepped down onto a wooden jetty of sorts, assumedly for kayaking and resumed taking aim for the piocture. Still unsatisfied I eximned a lower portion of the jetty and was consdiering descending onto it when I saw a bess fly up to me. I froze and then I realised it wasn't alone and that, from beneath the jetty, many more bees were issuing forth. I swore. I ran. End of story.
See you next time, folks.

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