Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Listing Again

Apologies for delays in blogging, but since my little song, below, I just haven't found anything worthy of blogging happening in my life. To summarise the last few days:

I have watched the end of Last Exile (it was quite good)
I have read lots of Lucifer (it's brilliant)
I have played a reasonable amount of Dragon Quest (it is, as always, fantastic)
I have bought DVDs (oops)
I have read some stuff by Poe (it's all a bit bizarre)
I have eaten copious amounts of toast with chocolate and hazelnut spread (mmmn)
I have thought about writing (current short story idea involves vampires in Prohibition Era Chicago)
I have watched LOST (wow)
I have watched ALIEN (also wow)
I have watched half of Immortal Ad Vitam (Huh?)
I have viewed a flat (it's number 19)
I have recorded various songs (lalalala)
I have joined a Silent Hill forum (creepy)
I have had lunch on campus (sunny)
I have received my tickets for the graduation ball (ticketish)
I have had weirdly cool dream (inspiring the previous short story idea and, well, weirdly cool)

That's about it really. Tomorrow I get my exam results. Eep.
Added a new link to a friend's blog, Askelsyand this time dedicated to her brilliant artwork and her future plans for a graphic novel. Woohoo!

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