Friday, June 16, 2006

A Handful of Darkness...

Wow, two posts in one day. Can you tell I'm feeling guilty and irresponsible?
Anyway this evening was worthy of blogdom as Eruntane, the Green One and I went to see Dylan Moran perform his stand-up stylings at the Aberdeen Music Hall. It was most amusing, with some chocie descriptions I mostly can't remember :( due to being rather tired throughout (for no apparent reason, hmm - paranoia of weeks gone by is kicking in again, entirely unjustly, stupid paranoia) but I do remember his comments on Aberdonian winter:

"You can open up the Hotel window, stick your hand out and grab and handful of darkness."

I like the way this man thinks.

In other news, my little foray of this morning (now proof-read and corrected at the request of Eruntane) has lead me to think that, while my laptop is dead (oh yeah, that happened) and Darksyde is therefore beyond my reach, I could focus my writing energies on the fictional city of Cadreden. Cadreden would be everything I've ever imagined Aberdeen might be; dark, creepy, full of secrets and plots and strange locations that hold more meaning than they might first seem. Cadreden would at the same time be everything Aberdeen currently is; thriving, beautiful, cold and grey.
For those interested in the origins of the city name, Cadreden is how Aberdeen first appeared in the predictive text of my old Nokia. I always figured it should be the name of a fantasy city (and indeed in the idea for my other "on hold" novel, The Dream, there was a city called Cadredin - the I being required to make it fit a language pattern).
Now all I need do is sit down and right soemthing. A hard thing to convince myself to do on someone else's laptop.

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