Saturday, May 13, 2006

Writer's... damn, lost it...

Today was a pretty normal day. I posted in NFC - A. I completed TRL (yay). I played more SH4 and 24. I even finally made an English version of Kyo's Ce Soir for Fortunata. Still that was about it.
In other news, Maakasu, another friend from that poor beleagured Utada Online messageboard has joined us pitiful blogger types and now has a link somewhere on the left hand side (it's in alphabetical - or as I would prefer, alphabetic - '-ical' as an ending annoys me when -ic does just fine on it's own - order, so don't fret that there might be favouritism - and if there is it would be towards the lovely Eruntane anyway, who just so happens to be first - gosh this is a long parenthetical - works there 'cos it's a noun not an adjective, honest - shutting up now) so you should give that a visit if you're looking for more bloggy randomness.
As to yesterdays update, since then I have received a song I had been looking for for a while and discovered that the version I had been wanting was the Goth Version. I am doomed.
Oh well to finish, a little slice of the random I composed on my way back from the supermarket today:
Writer's Black

It always
Gets me
The End.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:52 am BST

    say Hi to Markers for me!!!

    And hi to you, Syrup :P
