Thursday, May 04, 2006

Not Yet In Pain...

As the title suggests I am not yet experiencing the appropriate levels of agony for a day post-ceilidh. I expect it will kick in (possibly very literally) tomorrow.
Today was an odd day. This was by virtue of the fact that it felt very busy, but there were really only two things happening to me:
1) As a class representative for one of the courses I have barely been attending this term I had to attend the annual Zoology Dept. Student/Staff Liason Meeting, wher we sat arounf for two hours criticsing our courses. I rather enjoy it...
2) I had work this evening, which was quiet and ratehr pleasant.
Nonetheless, possibly because of the looming essay I didn't quote have time to continue today becaus eof the above, I felt rushed off my feet. Also, even though I'm not in pain from last night, I did spend the day feeling rather tired. God help me tomorrow when I actually have to get up early and work on that bleeding essay! (Actual blood may soon be involved).
Oh well only two days left until it's over either way :) :( :S
We watched the first two episodes of LOST, season two this evening on Channel 4. It was actually on last night but we had to record it because of the Ceilidh. Anyway, after months of avoiding season two related spoilers, we have now got our foot under the door (or at the bottom of the hatch) and can merrily enjoy another exciting season of one of the best shows on t.v.. The pre-title sequence of episode one was in fact poissibly the single best opening to a season i've ever seen and the way they have twisted around the events so as to give the minimal amount away is, as always, very well done. I can't wait to see what questions we'll be asking ourselves next (do I even want answers?).
Final note. It ahs been two days now sicne I last played TRL. I am sad. I miss it. I don't have time :(.

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