Monday, May 01, 2006


Well today my self-imposed spending ban ended and I went out and got the things I'd been hankering for for a while now, such as TRL, Night Watch and King Kong on DVD, Shriek: An Afterword, by Jeff Vandermeer (author of one of my favourite books, City of Saints and Madmen) and various albums on CD. I've already competed 46% of TRL, confirming for me, if I needed such confirmation, its shortness, but boy is it good. I'm reliving the good old days, when Lara truly was a legend and I could be lost in a level for ages (in an 'I'm loving it' sense, not frustratingly stuck, although that could happen as well). the plot too is intersting with a believable colelction of characters who ultimately serve to bring Lara to life in a way we've never seen before (not even in the films, which for all Angelina's hard work, never quite hit the mark). There isn't alot of immediate challneg though and the levelsa re quite small. You can only properly save between levels as well which just serves to make sure you rush through the game ratehr than savour it, shame.
Anyway I can't wait to play the next bit tomorrow, but I must, both to make it alst and because that Endothermic Fish essay (yes, it... again) is still only 500 words long and it needs to become 6,000 words sharpishly! I'm not enjoying writing it at all, but I think tomorrow I can get a good 1,000 words or more done (in fact more if I actually try). I just have to convince myself that I care.

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