Thursday, May 11, 2006

I have a statement to make...

Wow, what a random day.
It started off pretty normal for me, although there was surprsingly little sleeping in. I played some SH4, ate some toast, chatted online, all the usuall dullities, with the added fun of waiting for my work uniform to hurry up and finish in the tumble dryer so I could iron it and go to work.
Work was were the weirdness happened. In the midst of an ordinary 4-8 shift, I found myself running after a security guard through a Boots store (and up flights of stairs, huff huff) to reach the place where some other guards had restrained a man suspected of shoplifting from our store. I had seen the man acting suspiciously in a corner of the store and ratehr stupidly went on with my tasks, only to come out minutes later and find one of the managerial team calling out for the secruity guards.
Anyway this shoplifter was drunk and probably also high on something. he had been carrying needles and confessed to having Hepatitis. He was also in no fit state to do anything whatsoever, nevermind steal from a retailer. Still because of my stupidity and the lack of staff on the shop floor he managed to nearly get away with it, only getting caught because he was trying to sell the stuff (some girls underwear and costumes) to passers by outside a pub opposite the shopping centre entrance. He also had a companion who, as I made the final leg of the epic trek across the centre and Boots and a bit of Aberdeen city centre, tried to run the secuirty guard I was following down on a bicycle. It was like a little mini witness protection melodrama and I was at the centre of it, complete with police statements. Very weird.
Rest of the evening was spent unwrapping and stacking toy drums and then in the company of Enthusia (the most excitable woman ever FULL STOP) and friends to watch a little random British hospital comedy called Green Wing and some of my favourite Miyazaki film (at the moment of going to press), Princess Mononoke. There was the threat of watching Grave of the Fireflies, which reduced me to a sobbing wreck last time I saw it and so might have resulted in me refusing it watch it at all (brilliant though it was). Sadly we had to leave before the film was over as Eruntane had work to worry about and I had this blog and possible posting fun, which I may now attend to. Good night.
P.S. There's a new link down there on the lefthand side. Click on it and it'll take you to the blog of one of my nice U-O friends (U-O is currently down which is, for want of a better term, teh suxorz), Fortunata, who was kind enough to link to me, thus I return the favour. She's only just begun blogging, but it promises to have lots of random insights and I wish her the best of luck!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:58 pm BST

    Hello Shiroppu-san, seems our natural meeting place hasn't payed the bills so I went here to find you... hehe

    Anyway, that was a weird incident indeed.. but men with needles are usually not known for being very... umm... sober-minded? :p

    I can't believe you went away when Mr. Funny-in-the-head was lurking around in your shop though ;D
