Monday, May 29, 2006

How low can you go? Oh, wrong Limbo...

I haven't really been keeping up to date with this have I? I've been in a kind of exam limbo and i figured I'd just spend this weekend flaking, although actually I've felt like I still had alot to do. On friday night there was a ceilidh to raise money for the Other One's year volunteering at an S.U. centre, and although I was too much in that aformentioned limbo (not to mention shattered in the tired sense) to really do much dancing it was still funa dn did eventually wake me up a little.
Then yesterday I had the usual evening shift at work and spent the time before that watching Last Exile and playing Shadow of the Colossus. Afterwards there was snackage, flaking and the watching of the first part of a mini-series called The Triangle, "starring" Sam Neil and created by the guy behind Farscape.
Today consisted of finally going to church again (after an absence of about three weeks) and then enjoying the afternoon finishing Shadow... and reading. I fell asleep after reading a few chapters and didn't wake up til the Other One informed me it was time for part two of The Triangle and I discovered that Eruntane had been around for the best part of an hour. Combined with my tiredness on Friday night and something the Doctor (you may rememeber that she's the Other One's girlfriend) said about me possibly being anaemic, Eruntane is now rather concerned about me, but I feel fine, there's nothing wrong with an evening nap other than that it deomonstrates my lack of sense and willpower and the Doctor just enjoys supposing about these things since it is her future career. Still they've got me paranoid now... (~_~)
Anyway, The Triangle whilst not being a work of fantastic direction or cinematography, is proving to be an interesting story with reasonably satisfying twists and turns and, if nothing else, is a welcome relief from most of the other tat on T.V. Still its conspiracy theorising at the moment is not a patch on the X-Files and its weirdness is put to shame by the ever-brilliant LOST.
Shadow... proved to ahve a very cool ending. The suspsicions of Eruntane, the Green One and I proved to be both corrrect and not so, with some itneresting and unepxpected drama rounding off a story that had taken palce mostly without scripting and thus mostly through our emotional attachment to the environment, collossi and characters (the hero and the horse). I guess now I need to complete ICO, the first game made by these people with a similar kind of "storytelling".

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