Sunday, May 21, 2006

An Artistic Consideration.

Experimentation with form.
It can lead to great new dicoveries.
You never know how the way you present something
Form can open perception,
Narrow it
To a
Or sENd [OUR] MiNDs R! e! E! l! I! n! G!
As you might have guessed, I love playing with form, although I probably do it less than I would like and less imaginatively than I could, and would choose to if more thought went into it than currently.
Not just form, but also medium. I am only really capable of playing with the written forms, prose and poetry. I suck at drawing and other visual arts because, although I know what i like visually, I am often incapable of creating it.
My imagiantion is often more powerful than my ability to express it, which, as an artist, is a distinct weakness. I write what I imagine when i wish to demonstrate it to others because I know I usually can create an approximation of the imagined item, even if I imagined it as animation, film or even graphic literature.
Sometimes I even imgaine things as sound and to certain extent I can create this, but without more musical training or any ability with an instrument these little symphonies remain in my head and eventually wash away like so much else.
It is a shame to be restrained to a medium, but at the same time, I am proud of the medium of language and do my best to work within it as well as I can. It is also a very versatile medium. As script it can become a film, or a graphic novel. Even without explicit scripting it can inspire the other media. indeed all media are capable of bridging the gaps and one artist may well find his or her work transformed into another medium by another artists, and so the flow of ideas continues and original material continues to be produced, despite nay-sayers who would claim that originality is impossible.
Why am I saying all this?
Well, lately Eruntane and I have been experimenting a little more with form. The Chain Fiction we write, such as NFC and the various other we have produced is always an opportunity for experimentation, but even within our respective private works, there has been an exploration for new styles, new ways of expressing what we intend. This is particularly evident in our latest projects.
For Eruntane it is a graphic novel script inspired by a post I made in this blog a few days ago.
For me it is the horror story i mentioned once or twice. This story is an experiment because I am writing it entirely as thought processes and direct speech, no narratorly staging is occuring. For me it is an attempt to tell the story in the literary equivalent of an erratic circle of light, as shone from a torch, only glancing across images and events, so that the reader is forced to imagine more and the horror is all the more ellusive and, hopefully, succesful.
It's a big step for one such as I who loves description as much as I do which leads me to the other reason for this strange ponderance. I took part this evening in an interesting personality test and, whilst it's accuracy in certain areas is deabtable and it seems to shine a more attracive light on me than I deserve, it has re-affirmed things about me I'd like to believe are true and it has given me some very good advice. Here's a link to my report. Feel free to take it yourself and, if you know me, trying psyching me out.
Until next time...

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