Friday, April 28, 2006

Three was not the magic number, heres hoping for...

Four days and nothing of excitement to post about.
I haven't even had any interesting thoughts lately, bar those that revolve around the Silent Hill series and I'm sure you're vored of hearing about that by now...
Today was a dull day of booklet making (for CWS) and overly complicated equations (for a stupid sediment particle tracers lecture, ugh. I did write a piece inspired by an SH3 OST track title which was going to become a world in my novel at some point. Maybe I'll did it ouy and type that up.
Ah, here it is!
Brass Petals

The roots plunge into the softly shimmering earth. Put your ear to them, hear the flow of life beneath the worn copper surface, how they pulse and echo.

Look up. See how the leaves shimmer in the fading light, how their roughly hewn sheen matches the tuneless chime of their collisions.

Run your hands through the earth and feel how the sharp razors fade to dust and filings at your touch. Something crawls between your fingers, a glint of light on its carapace. Crush it if you can and feel the slick of oil on your fingertips.

Stand up. Feel the rigid blades of past windfalls digging into your boots. Hear the creak of metal fatigue as you shift your weight and turn towards the the sunset, mirrored in beaten trunk facets a thousand times over.

At the edge, stop. Feel the slice of the wind through your hair, hear the echo of the forest ringing in your ears as it passes through and see the fields of brass petals as they shiver and shimmer in its wake.

Watch the sun descend and the world go dark around you, then turn to see the coal fires burning in the canopy and the orange haze of smoke above. Feel the petals fraying your jeans more and more as you brush against them with each step and hear, past the blood pulsing in your ears, the march of the machines in the distance.


  1. Anonymous5:43 am BST

    What's all these fuss about Silent Hill?
    I don't wanna see it, maybe check out the movie... I just don't wanna add another to my addiction list! :p

    Prison Break is already taking up alot of my time. lol


  2. Anonymous9:58 am BST

    Haha... if you call me on the phone you'll hear a song that goes like "Three is a magic number" instead of a beep. I came to think of that when I saw your headline there.

    Now, is there any deeper meaning behind those words that I haven't noticed yet? Where did you get it from? *wonders*

    Yours sincerely, Maakasu.
