Sunday, April 02, 2006

Random like Sunday morning.

So I was supposed to go to church this morning and hear something possibly life changing. Instead, I lay in bed until nearly One in the afternoon. Very productive, I must say. So it's just another dull Sunday then, browsing the net, chatting to people I only know through tenuous message board connections (and less tenuous message board connections that started because of a need to create chain fiction FF fanfics with friends from school- that it's still going its both amazing and very cool - more on that later).
Anyway, I went to see Ice Age 2 last night. For some reason Scotland got it a whole week ahead of the rest of the UK. I liked the first one, it had some fantastic moments and clever ideas, but unlike one of my flatmates, who is a little obsessive over it sicne he got it on DVD, I think it also has a whole hell of a lot of weaknesses that wouldn't be found in comparable things like Finding Nemo, or Monsters Inc. It's possible the sequel improves on the original. Fair enough, it has an extremely lacklustre premise (the world is melting, don't ya know) which also makes very little sense and it relies on scary, but uncharacterised random badguys we hardly see, but the characters work better this time round as they seem to have grown and each gained a unique purpose within their group, plus the new characters, Elly, Crash and Eddie all of whom are "possums" (see the film and you'll get the inverted commas) add some much needed diversity to the group.
I'm not going to turn my blog into a huge review, so I'll just suggest you go see it yourself. It's a giggle.
Aside from that I'm currently working my way through the second season of HEX, in fact It's very nearly over, one episode to go. In all my watching of this show, even buying it on DVD, I still can't quite decide just why I like it. It has to be one of the most inconsistent shows I've ever watched, right down the characters constantly changing sides and attitudes to the plot not really being sure what it wants to be, and yet somehow the characters are endearing, the writing isn't all that bad and the atmosphere is quite compelling. Plus the only fully consistent character IMO, Thelma, is simply brilliant in season 2. It'll shortly be finished and I'll have to wonder anew whether to get a season 3 if it happens to appear in the distant future.

Finally, Chain Fiction.
What it is this I hear you cry? Well actually the name is probably wrong, but just go with it for now. What I call chain fiction is telling a story with a group of other people whereby we each post (it tends to happen on a message board) a section centred around our character, in turns. Eventually incredibly epic stories with some brilliant characters emerge and fun is had all around.
Currently we're working our wayt through the third sequel to our self made FF-type story (set in an FF-like world) with the delighfully anime-esque name of New Fantasy Chronicles. My character, Glyph is going through some serious issues right now and I'm sure to tell you more about that as it progresses (not that we aren't quite far into it already).

This was a very random update, I confess, but If i'm gonna keep this up or another eight days...

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