Monday, April 24, 2006

Of Lions, Lime and Literature...

Odd day. Was at work. There were no customers, well relatively and nothing to do as we had done it all yesterday when there was a similarly poor consumer turn out. Afterwards I flaked a bit and chatted to people online about the band I will one day create and who will be in it (working title for it now is the wonderful conceited Seraph).
Spent some more time pondering Silent Hill and am no better off than I was before. I had very weird dreams in a night of fitful sleep as a result (although very few of the dreams related to SH and none were actually nightmares - one even revolved around me playing TLR!). I think I want to see it again, soonish, perhaps on my own, but I'm not sure.
The evning was full of pistaccio (sp?) nuts and weirdness of the silly game variety as we played Ex Libris at the flat of the Heckler, with many a fine person Eruntane and I know not nearly as well as we should.
For those unfamiliar with the game it involves a person readin out the title author and synopsis of a novel which everyone else must then write either the first or last line of. The real first or last line is thrown in with the lot and people have to guess which it is. Hilarity ensues.
In tonights version there was much emphasis placed on Lions, Limes, Lamposts, Big Boat Bang creationism, and period-drama undergarments. Soemtimes, I really do love my life.

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