Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A little Tome Raiding...

Apologies for the brevity of yesterday's update, but it was another Non-day, with really nothing of note happening bar my re-watching of Silent Hill and replaying of Silent Hill 3. not that today was that much more exciting. I did some "work" on my review essay, you know, the one on Endothermic Fish I hate so much. This "work" of which I speak actually consisted of reading one journal article and then spending a good hour posting in NFC - Absolute.
I had fun making that post because it involed a side-character I had hardly used on his own (he had always been part of a double act) and it also introduced, indirectly, a character who may or may not appear in the story, but who is interesting nonetheless. Her name is Layla Trevakhas, Countess of Mideel, a small island with a reasonably long and proud history, although such titles as Countess are reasonably meaningless in a world ruled by one corporation. She is an adventurer, making her way through ruins and exploring the apst to unearth great treasures and dark secrets. Sound familiar? Of course it does, she's a complete rip off of Lara Croft, but since Lara is such an interesting character when sh'e's done right I don't see any harm in exploring an NFC-safe version of her. Besides her kind of adventuring sits right at home on Ouranos where the planet's history is always coming back to bite us.
Anyway, that's about all there is to say about today. Sad huh? Maybe tomorrow will prove more thought provoking?

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